Friday, September 27, 2013

The Post Where You Get to Decide if I'm Weird

Hello again! So this is my second blog post, if you haven't already figured that out. If you have, good for you. Anyway, this is the first post where we don't have a prompt, so I think I'll give you guys a little quiz! THAT IF YOU FAIL THEN YOU ARE BANISHED FROM THIS BLOG!!!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


Hey! I'm Sydney, the author of the blog you are currently viewing. I'm a fairly average person; a teenager to be more specific. So what is this blog about? That's a hard question for me. Teens' lives aren't exactly focused around a specific subject, so it's hard for me to only write about one thing. So I'll write about anything that is currently on my mind, but the following subjects will appear the most throughout my blog since they take up the majority of my life:
  1. School
  2. Skiing
  3. Running
  4. Animals