Friday, September 27, 2013

The Post Where You Get to Decide if I'm Weird

Hello again! So this is my second blog post, if you haven't already figured that out. If you have, good for you. Anyway, this is the first post where we don't have a prompt, so I think I'll give you guys a little quiz! THAT IF YOU FAIL THEN YOU ARE BANISHED FROM THIS BLOG!!!

Kidding! So it's a true or false quiz about me. If you don't know how to do that, please refer to the "There are no directions so FIGURE IT OUT YOURSELF" tab. Kidding again! :) So here they are:

1. When I was little I thought I was a dingo. (T/F)

2. I LOVE sparkles! They are just so glittery and colorful! (T/F)

3. There is a super-cool magnetic pull between me and food. (T/F)

4. My best friend right now is my bed. Her name is Sleep. (T/F)

5. I own ten giraffes and seven gorillas. (T/F)

6. Running is the best thing that ever walked (or ran) the planet (T/F)

7. I'm a ski-racing champion. I win like every race. (T/F)

8. I fail at school. (T/F)

9. I have a little bro. (T/F)

10. I love, love, LOVE to read! (T/F)

Why only ten?! It's a good number, right? And we kinda have keep this post below are the answers:

#1 is true. I have no idea why I liked dingos; I guess I found one in some book or something and it was love at first sight.

#2 is false. Sparkles are too glittery. They are also too colorful.

#3 is true. My life is food. I breath food. Not really, but almost.

#4 is kinda true. I have a best friend/s. I also have a bed. I've spend more time in my bed than I have with my best friend/s these days, to be honest.

#5 is false. I do have a guinea pig, a dog, and a cat though. They are similar, in a way....

#6 is false. I love running, but it is not #1 on my list of values. It's pretty far up though.

#7 is definitely false. I'm okay, but I'm not amazing at it. I've never even won a race, actually.

#8 is false. To me, an -A is that weird?!?!

#9 is false. Why are there so many that are false?? I have a little sister, though.

#10 is 100% absolutely true!!! Reading is the!

So yeah, now you know a little bit more about me. I hope this wasn't too boring. By the way, I would like to mention a new inspirational blog: Awkwardly Awkward. It's super funny, and was the blog winner for last year.

Oh I almost forgot! We have to insert a picture somewhere in this blog post, so here you go:

Sorry Grumpy Cat, but I'm a rebel :) (image courtesy of Robyn's Online World)

1 comment:

  1. Don't worry, I already knew you were weird. ;)
