Tuesday, September 17, 2013


Hey! I'm Sydney, the author of the blog you are currently viewing. I'm a fairly average person; a teenager to be more specific. So what is this blog about? That's a hard question for me. Teens' lives aren't exactly focused around a specific subject, so it's hard for me to only write about one thing. So I'll write about anything that is currently on my mind, but the following subjects will appear the most throughout my blog since they take up the majority of my life:
  1. School
  2. Skiing
  3. Running
  4. Animals
 If those seem boring to you, don't worry! I'll make them interesting! Reminder: this is from a teen's perspective, not a teacher's!

To start, I'll share a few blogs that inspired this one. I'll also point out a few things I liked about each one.

1. ASPCA (The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty of Animals)
What it's about: Current animal issues; anything that isn't right in the animal world right now. It might not always be good news, but if you love animals and want to learn how to help them then this is a good blog for you!
Why I'm Inspired: I really like how it's very organized and gets its point across. There are some happy posts and some not-so-happy posts about animals. They have lots of visuals you can view, such as videos and pictures. I like videos because blogs are often really boring if you just have to read everything! It's more enjoyable with something you can actually watch. There are also lots of links you can follow, which are helpful if you want to learn more about the topic of the post you are reading.
Picture :)

2. The Oatmeal (the link is blocked on school computers, but I encourage you to check it out!)
What it's about: It's not an average blog, as it mostly consists of comics. The author takes a regular scenario, such as running, and turns it into a funny comic.
Why I'm Inspired: This man is really funny! He'll take a random topic that is usually very boring (such as a mantis shrimp) and make it into something that is really interesting and funny! His pictures aren't anywhere near as good as Picasso's, but that's what makes them so good! I would like to try and go for something like that in this blog, minus the comics.

Here's an example of a comic title
3. I Do Things So You Don't Have To
What its about: This is about a regular person that does random, regular things, such as travel. They talk about each of these things in a post and make it funny. This blog has a few naughty words and stuff, so if that bugs you then don't click on the link above.
Why I'm Inspired: I love how funny it is! You have to have a little bit of natural talent to be awesome like that, but I can do my best! I also love how this lady has lots of voice. She always seems to know she has an audience, and she writes like she's talking to a bunch of people.

So that's three blogs I liked! If you don't like them, that doesn't mean you won't like this blog! I'll make it fun! So I hope my blog will be organized, funny, and will have voice. So if you like the idea of different topics and events being talked about by me, your beloved author, then read on!


  1. Hey Sydney! I'm so glad I found your blog (and manages to spell the URL right). I'm looking forward to reading it! :). Hope you're having a good year in school!

  2. Thanks! I hope you're having fun in Florida!
