Friday, November 15, 2013

Future Vet-Part 1

Hiya! Sorry I haven't posted in a long time-I've been really busy with school and stuff. Things have happened and I just haven't had the time to sit down and write a meaningful blog post. Like I could write the whole thing saying random stuff like this, but it would be really boring.

I may have mentioned earlier that I want to be a vet when I'm older. True, but I haven't always wanted to be one.
Apparently when I was really little I hated reading. I loved being read to, but the physical task of dragging your eyes over words for an extended amount of time was just too much for me. So I set about thinking of things I could be when I grew up that didn't involve reading, and eventually came to the brilliant conclusion that teachers don't read. I mean they don't, right?? :)

(Image by The Teachers' Lounge)
Upon hearing this, my mother immediately corrected me. Of course teacher's read. So I continued my search until I reached my second brilliant conclusion: artists don't have to read because they spend all their time coloring and stuff.

I mean they don't have books anywhere, so why should they have to read? (Image by dreamstime)
This time my mother failed to correct me in time, as I had already set about practicing to be a real artist. I had this babysitter who was a really good one, and whenever she came over we would do art stuff. I would pick something I wanted to draw or make, she would draw or make it, and I would give it my all to copy her as accurately as I could. I was becoming a very original artist.

See?!?! Very original.

Of course, since I didn't read, most of my artwork was created at school, so I had nobody to copy:

This is how I drew people until another kid told me they had to have arms and legs.

Up close!
I also drew monsters.

As you can see, my attention to detail is a little off. But I didn't care. I just went on making art and ignoring the fact that pretty much everyone else but me could now read. Animals and people were particular favorites. I liked to draw everything with smiley faces or, in extreme cases, frowning faces.

Animals I drew had to have babies. No exceptions. Here we have a family of bunnies, cats, foxes, lizards, and...horses?
This one's a little tricky. Horses, obviously. I don't know any others-maybe butterflies on the left?

So that's a little background on how I drew. Future artist? Maybe, but probably not. I eventually put some puzzle pieces together (not literally) and realized that I wanted to be a vet. After that, my dream still hasn't changed. But I'll get to that next post. I have some really fun pictures planned.

I don't think you have a picture of what I looked like when I was little, so here you go:

I was totally a trend-setter.
And here's a picture of my artistic babysitter:

Just so you know, she's the one in the back. The one in the front, the wand-waving infant, is my sister.
So, yeah, that's how I almost became an artist. What happened? I guess I just found something I liked better. :)

BTW, here is a blog I found written by a veterinarian about her odd cases.

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