Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Future Vet- Part 2

こんにちは!!! Random fact of the day: that means hello in Japanese. I'm running out of ways to say hello, if you haven't noticed. Maybe I'll just do a different language every time.

Anyway, change of plans! Forget the whole vet thing-I'm being an astronaut!
Just kidding, I don't think that would work out very well. I'm going to have to stick with the whole vet thing. Which means I should finished telling how I came to want to be a vet.
After I realized I would eternally be destined to fail at art, I started looking elsewhere for something to be. Here was my thought process:

A princess? No, that's too trendy at this time. Everyone wants to be a princess. A cook? Nah, I would burn everything, including myself. A cowgirl? Possibly, if I could convince my parents to get me a horse. A dog? Perfect!! But how to become a dog....?

Then it clicked. I loved playing doctor. I loved animals. I could be a doctor for animals!!! Upon thinking of this, I immediately set to work on my stuffed animals. Why not start early?

Me with my "patients." Disregard my princess clothing.
I got a vet kit for Christmas one year, and after that it was all business. Sick animals would come into my "clinic" and I would treat them. There were no more funny little games; this was real. I even wrote charts for each of my patients. It was pretty hilarious.

I had my babysitter write everything down.
I had a very odd imagination.
It is also important to get hands-on experience with real animals, not just stuffed ones. I made sure to do this.

Real enough. I was enjoying myself, so whether an animal is real is not important in this example.
The cat is real, but it doesn't seem to like me. :-/
Here is me and some chickens.
As you can see, I started wanting to be a vet early. And I still want to be one. End of story.

By the way, Christmas is coming up!! To get you guys in the holiday spirit, I've included one of my favorite Hyperbole and a Half posts (about Christmas) here. I thought it was really funny! If you don't, then SHAME ON YOU!! Or maybe I just have a bad sense of humor....

1 comment:

  1. I love all the pictures of you Sydney! I can never think of good ideas for pictures, but yours were great! I love how you still want to be a vet, even now! I haven't really held onto a wish that long (except maybe to be a cowgirl!). I really like your voice and humor in this one. Does Sydney want to be a chicken vet? ;) Explain how to pronounce the word if you are going do your greetings in a different language. Other than that, everything is great!
