Wednesday, January 29, 2014

We All Love Food

γειά σου! Do you know what language that was?? Me neither...

Actually it was Greek. Yep, pretty cooleo.

We all love food. I don't know one person that doesn't love food. And I don't know about you, but I like to eat certain food at certain times. I'm going to share those with you.

Agreed (by Indulgy)
Seriously, what is it in bread that makes it so good?? I could eat bread anytime, anywhere. I just ate some bread actually. And it really is convenient that restaurant people give us a whole basket full of bread right before we get our main meal. In that case, the bread is my main meal.

Like bread, chocolate can be consumed anywhere and anytime. Actually, if that was true, I'd be fat right now. So no, maybe not anytime.

I seriously almost died looking at chocolate pictures (by We Take the Cake)

When exactly do I like to eat chicken? Not after watching Food Inc....

See "Chicken" above.

I. Love. Fruit. Except pears. I really don't know why people like pears.

Greek Yogurt
Pretty much my breakfast every day. And notice how there is another word in front of the yogurt? That means Greek Yogurt is 10000000x better than regular yogurt.


So I know vegetables are healthy and stuff, but really they are kinda just ehhh. Meaning I like some vegetables, like carrots, but the rest are just not my cup of tea.

Anything with Sugar
I was debating over cupcakes, cookies, ice cream, cheesecake, candy, etc. for this one, so I think it'll just be easier to say that anything with sugar is good.

Crackers with Cheese
If you don't eat this often, go try some right now. Seriously. It's the best snack you will ever taste.

Or any breakfast item. Except bacon (please don't judge). Not after Food Inc.

I wish it was breakfast time... (by 15 Pictures)
For some reason, runners like pasta. I haven't run in a while due to skiing, but pasta is still good. Especially spaghetti. 

I'm Running out of Foods
In case you haven't noticed, the words above is not a food. I've pretty much covered all the foods that I like. So yeah.

Well, it can be understood that I, like the rest of the world, like food. True story.

Soooo I'm posting this on Wednesday because I'm going to a ski race in Sun Valley tomorrow, and won't be around to make this post then. That's also why this is kinda short. But I'll give you an update next time I post!

One more thing: I've decided to do a fun fact of the day. Why? Because I'm a nerd and I like to learn fun things. :)

Fun Fact of the Day: Porcupines float in water. Why? Don't ask me.

Also, today is cornchip day. :) If you are ever interested in knowing what day it is, click here.

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