Thursday, February 27, 2014

Ski Racing Probs

Hey minions!! I don't know why I called you that...maybe I've been watching too much Gossip Girl if that makes sense. :) Very good T.V. show, and I highly recommend it!

Soooo break was last week! And school is this week. :( But break was really fun! I couldn't ski for most of the week (knee injury), but I enjoyed hanging out with friends and watching Netflix and How I Met Your Mother (another great show)!

So today's post is about my winter sport. If you don't know what this is, shame on you. It's this:

By Sugar Bowl

Thursday, February 13, 2014

European Sarcasm

Heyyyy! No, that wasn't another language. I don't feel like researching one. Hey, I'm not usually this lazy, but I'm just super tired of school and want this week to end nooooooooooooow. If I'm popular and there are people that read my blog that don't go to my school, just so you know, we have Winter Break in two days. TWO DAYS!!!! And guess what else?? It's my birthday on Saturday! But that's irrelevant.

So we have break coming up, and this week is also midterms. Therefore:

Teachers: Hey, break is coming up, which means a long vacation for students to forget stuff!! Let's just finish our current units this week so we can start fresh when we come back! So let's give a bunch of tests this week! Also, since students probably don't have enough on their plates, let's add a bunch of homework and essays!

Students: Homework. Studying. Yay. :(

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Sun Valley Ongoings

Ciao!! Italian. Anyone had any pasta lately? That was probably Italian, too. But I digress. Back to my blog!!

So last time I think I promised you that I would tell you about my weekend. Or maybe I didn't. Whatever. Anyway, I was in Sun Valley for a ski race. A lot of things happened over the weekend, and I'm going to tell you about them.

And yes, of course this is a list. If you don't like lists, maybe consider cancelling this page and never visiting this blog again. Seriously. I love lists and will continue to use them.

So, without further delay, here ya go: