Wednesday, April 23, 2014

10 Reasons Why a Cruise Ship is Better Than School

Guys I haven't written a post in forever!! Hiii! So I'm just getting used to this whole "we have school now and actually have to use our brains" thing, so I apologize now if I sound like I just learned how to talk.

So...spring break was last week.

SPRING BREAK WAS LAST WEEK!!! But not anymore :(

I'm sure you all want to know how mine went...right? No?? Well TOO BAD I'm telling you anyway!
Me with my suitcase before the trip...a while ago...

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

The Good Old Days

Heeeelllllooo! I was just trying to read geography, and it just wasn't working out, so I decided to blog instead. But BTW I actually did a normal teenage thing today!! I took a couple selfies!! ....with my geography textbook...

Ready for this??

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Are you one of "those people"?

Hi! I'm going to start this post off by saying that you should VOTE ON MY BLOG NOBODY IS VOTING AND IT'S MAKING ME SAD :( Good day to you too. So how is life? Honestly, I thought this week and next week weren't going to be like finals week, but NOPE. Oh, and I have my driver's permit test coming up...

So this week I'm going to...what? I don't really know. Lemme think...please hold for a second...

Got it!

You Know You're a Nerd When...