Tuesday, April 8, 2014

The Good Old Days

Heeeelllllooo! I was just trying to read geography, and it just wasn't working out, so I decided to blog instead. But BTW I actually did a normal teenage thing today!! I took a couple selfies!! ....with my geography textbook...

Ready for this??

As you can see, geography is more entertaining to me when the book is on top of my head that in front of me. Not the preferred way to learn, but I guess I'm just "special".

So, instead of complaining about how much school sucks this week because it's the last couple days before Spring Break, which probably everybody else will be doing (and what I usually do), I have decided to talk about the good old days.

Yep. Preschool.

Sorry it's small, but if you look closely you might be able to recognize some people...

The Typical Days
We had the opportunity to basically just do whatever the heck we wanted to do back then. I hated learning, so I ignored the math and reading table, except sometimes a teacher would catch me and drag me over there for an hour or so. It was torture.

Every so often, the teachers would call for circle time, and we would learn about something, such as birds. The teachers would use toys as examples. In the bird case, they would have these plastic bird toys that were used. After circle time, the bird toys were placed on a counter for students to examine and learn more about birds. I just played with them.

There was also a little booth in the corner used for snack time. There would be a bowl of something, maybe goldfish, out every day, and a little sign above it saying how much you could take (like "Take 5 Goldfish"). Well I was a rebel and would take a giant fist-full, covering it with my arms whenever a teacher walked past.

We also had the opportunity to draw at this art station. I drew quite a lot of pictures that didn't really make any sense. I also drew people weird (discussed in an earlier blog post) until this one girl (who's name I can tell you if you come ask me-she goes to TMJH) told me that I sucked at art and showed me how to draw "real people", which were just stick figures.

My first day :)
At recess all I did was play dingos with my best friend at the time. Yep.

Oh, but there was this one time! We had this thing called the "time-out chair", which was a really comfy chair that any disobedient child went to to "think about what they've done." I actually used to just sit in it for fun, jumping up whenever a teacher walked past.

But one time I went to the time-out chair for real. I was trying to play on the playground, but this one kid (who's name I can tell you if you ask-he also goes to TMJH), was being really mean and wouldn't let me go on it because it was "his doghouse." Well I really wanted to play on this, and he wouldn't let me, so I just punched him in the face and made him cry. I was sent to the time-out chair. But hey, it wasn't my fault!

Parties and Events
We would have the occasional party (Halloween, St. Patrick's Day, etc.) in which goodies would be displayed and children could just do whatever they wanted. There was a limit on how much goodies you could get. I always took too many then felt super rebellious about it.

Every Christmas and Hanukkah, the children would have to put on a play of some sort, in which they dressed up as characters and had to memorize a line or two. I was a candle one time, and my parents thought it would be a good idea to wrap a large piece of paper around me to make me look circular. Well the candles had to stand on a ledge the entire time, and all the others were sitting because they got tired. Not me: I was unable to sit and spent the entire time hating candles.

Here I am dressed up as a pilgrim
So now you have an idea of how odd of a kid I was! Maybe I'm still odd...but at least I don't punch teachers in the face when they give me too much homework and I get mad!

Random Fact of the Day: That big red church across the highway from the Basin Rec. center in PC? That was my preschool! It's not a preschool anymore though.

What day is it? ALMOST SPRING BREAK!! Actually no. It's Draw a Picture of a Bird Day.

If you would like more information on this preschool I went to and would like to consider going there because it's probably better than TMJH, click here.


  1. Omg bro this is insane I went to Little Miners too! How did we not know each other?? I remember circle time! Ahh, the good old days....

    1. How is this possible?! That's weird haha I should have at least heard of you!!

  2. You have the best freaking pictures ever. And also you should tell us who you're talking about and not be so secretive about it. ;)
