Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Are you one of "those people"?

Hi! I'm going to start this post off by saying that you should VOTE ON MY BLOG NOBODY IS VOTING AND IT'S MAKING ME SAD :( Good day to you too. So how is life? Honestly, I thought this week and next week weren't going to be like finals week, but NOPE. Oh, and I have my driver's permit test coming up...

So this week I'm going to...what? I don't really know. Lemme think...please hold for a second...

Got it!

You Know You're a Nerd When...

~You are sitting in front of you're computer right now reading this when you probably should be doing that math assignment due in two days (and I'm saying two days because nerds don't procrastinate...or at least I don't...)

Image by duffmcduffee

I just had to add this (by Making Mountains Move)

~You take AP Human Geo and you are studying for the AP test a month before the actual test

~You've taken the SATs or ACTs

By The Testive SAT Blog

~You keep an organized planner that you can't survive at school without

~You read more than you watch TV or do regular teenage things

~You stay home doing homework even on the best of powder days (like me today)

~All the not-so-smart people in school scream "YES!" or "SMART PEOPLE!!!!" and put on a big grin when you are chosen to be in a group project with them

And that person is usually me (by Wiggio)

~You actually study for tests (and this doesn't include you texting, watching TV, and listening to music with your open book occupying the seat next to you)

~Your social life is spending some quality time with your homework every day

Image by chibird

~Sleep? Remind me again what sleep is.

YES TOTALLY TRUE (by dumpaday)
~You are obsessed with Divergent and whatever happens that is 'super sad and horrible' at the end of Allegiant (cough cough *Julia* cough cough cough)

~You can name the first seven or so digits of pi

Image by Wordpress
 ~You don't like missing school or tests

~You like puzzles and complicated problems

~You support the notion that a "nerd" is NOT the same thing as a "geek"

So, in conclusion:

By Youth Life Stuff

So that's all :) If most of the above are true for you, then congrats! You are a nerd :)

Random Fact of the Day: There is a population of radioactive wild boars in Germany.

What day is it? Sourdough Bread Day

Here is a link to more information on nerds. Not that you'd go there...unless you're a nerd.


  1. I feel like you just described me in one post haha :) and I'm reading Allegiant right now...OMG I love it so far, but I think I know what's going to happen at the end :0

  2. Haha :) And you should really blog soon you haven't in forever!!
