Thursday, March 27, 2014


Heylo! I just invented a new word: heylo. Hehe. Just kidding it has probably already been said at some point in time by some other person out of the seven billion that we have here on planet Earth. Oh well I still take credit.

Sooooo how is everyone?? Not that you can talk back to me; I'm a computer. Not literally (that would be weird. Wait-I already am weird. NEVER MIND), but it's not like you can just talk to the blog (THAT would be creepy). And of course, I wouldn't respond. But hey, feel free to tell me how you are doing in the halls if that will make you feel better!

I'm seriously procrastinating right now. Probably because I'm really tired and am currently living off a ton of coffee and not much sleep. THANK YOU teachers, for making this week almost as horrible as last week. Yay.

So this week I kinda want to try something that I haven't done before. Well, obviously I haven't done it before, but whatever. I know this happens to me, and correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure that most people go way off topic when they think in their heads. For example, I'll be thinking of kittens, then that will somehow remind me of windows, which will remind me of rain, etc. I'm going to try to do that in a post. I'll start with whatever is on my mind, say a couple words about it, then move on to a related (or at least to me) topic. Each new topic will be introduced with a picture. :)

I don't know if this will be very entertaining for you, but we shall see. Okay, here it goes:

SELFIE! How do you spell selfie? Did I spell it right?

Right now I'm sitting on a couch typing this. I'm surprised that I've written this much in such a little amount of time.

By The Most Popular

You get surprises when people give you presents at birthdays.

By Mom the Great!
My mom's birthday is coming up! I have to get her something!

By Tourists 360
When it's my mom's birthday, it will be spring break. :)

By Writing Improvements

I wonder what it feels like to break your leg.


I don't want to search for pictures of broken legs.

By Shape Collage
I like pictures.

By Dreamstime

That last sentence was really short.

By Eclectech
Giraffes aren't short.

By Wikipedia

Did it work? Was I entertaining? Let me know in my POLL and if you guys liked it I can do another one next week. :)

Random Fact of the Day: You can't breathe through your nose with your tongue out.
Another Random Fact: I just made you all try it [insert evil laugh that only Sarah can do]

What day is it? Quirky Country Music Song Titles Day (here is the link for the site in case you forgot)


P.S. Pleeeeeeease vote on my POLL I only had one last time and it made me super depressed! Actually no, but vote!! DO IT NOW!!

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