Friday, March 14, 2014

Weird Obsessions

Um hello. Look this is a different font :). I feel very boring right now. My life is a constant cycle of sleeping, eating, school, skiing, and homework. And repeat. Aaaaand repeat. So I don't have much to say this week about stuff happening in my life.

Instead I get to talk about my obsessions!! Yayyy! Actually I don't know if it's that exciting. You decide. Probably more exiting than elephants.

So, without further delay (I say that a lot, don't I??), here ya go:

Sydney's Obsessions

1. Netflix
I bet I've mentioned this countless times before in previous blog posts, but Netflix is my life. I loooooooove it!!! Okay, maybe not that much, but it's fun to watch on the weekends when I'm not doing homework 100% of the time.

2. Mario...
I admit it: I like Mario games. I got really good at Mario Kart a couple years ago, and I'm currently obsessed with Super Mario Galaxy 2. I'm almost at the last boss!!! If you wish to became fully engrossed in a long game that is really fun and hard, try Mario.

I love this game! (by Telusers)
3. Reading
Not only am I a couch-potato and a video-game enthusiast, I'm also a nerd 8). I love to read whenever I have spare time. My current favorites are State of Wonder and Wool, both of which I recently read (actually, I'm still not done with Wool. Guilty.). If you like good teen novels, try books by Jay Asher or John Green.

Read this! (by Wikipedia)

Read this too! (by Amazon)

4. My Grades
For some people, B's are good. Not for me. I need to get all A's in order to function properly. No further explanation needed.

5. Julia
No, I'm not really obsessed with Julia, but she mentioned me on her blog a while ago, and I feel the need to mention her in my blog. Hi, Julia! :)

I don't want coffee; I need coffee. Or else I'm a zombie all day at school. WHY MUST WE ARISE SO EARLY IN THE MORNING???

If you ever see me like this, it means I haven't had coffee (by Picstopin)
7. Ice Cream
I really want ice cream now. I should go get some.

8. Spring Break
It's coming up!! Actually not really, but I like to think it is. I want it to come sooooo bad!!

SO EXCITED!!!! (by Granite Schools)

9. Perfecting this Blog
I'm running out of things I'm obsessed with. Is that a good thing or a bad thing?? But it's taking forever to think of stuff now.

10. Getting my Sister's Top to Spin
I just spent the last ten minutes trying to get my sister's top (she got it from some chocolate thing) to spin, and it wouldn't work! It's okay though, I got it to work. Don't worry.

So that's ten things! As much as I would really like to stay and chat for a while here, I would also like to finish some more homework, so have a great weekend and bye!

Random Fact of the Day: Mosquito repellent doesn't repel: it block the mosquito's senses so it can't tell where you are.

What day is it? Potato Chip Day! Go eat some!

1 comment:

  1. No, I'm pretty sure you're obsessed with me. ;) Haha
