Tuesday, March 4, 2014

A Post About Elephants

Hello! How is life? Swamped with homework? Welcome to my life. Maybe I've said this before, but I'll say it again: school and skiing don't mix. Just as I'm almost caught up with work from the last day missed for skiing, I get to miss more school!! Two days!! And two tests!! Fun? No, actually.

So I really can't think of a good topic to write about today, so I'm just going to write about elephants. Why, you ask? Why not? Who doesn't like elephants? I'm not saying that I particularly like elephants that much, but I can't think of anything else to write about. And when someone doesn't know what to think about, they think about elephants, right? Or is that just me??

Here is an elephant (by The Interpretation of Dreams)

Elephants are animals that live in Africa. I hope you all know that already. I also hope you know that elephants are grey and big and have tusks, or can at least tell by examining the picture above.

Ok, I admit: elephants are hard to write about. Lemme add another picture while I think of what to say next.

Image by Cbssmm.com

Wait, still thinking. Here's another pic:

Image also by The Interpretation of Dreams
The only thing I could come up with is kinda sad, so don't cry. Seriously, please don't. Elephants are hunted by a bunch of mean people called poachers that want the elephant's tusks, which are supposedly worth a lot of money. There are currently organizations, such as World Wildlife Fund, that are trying to get rid of poachers and increase elephant populations. You can help too, if you go to this site.

Yay, I just wrote a bunch of words!! I'll write some more:

Actually, elephants don't just come from Africa. There are two types of elephants: African elephants and Asian elephants. Asian elephants are slightly smaller than African elephants, and only some male elephants have tusks. BTW, elephants, instead of being left or right handed, are left or right tusked. So if I was an elephant, I would be left tusked.

An Asian Elephant (by World Wildlife Fund)
Something that was really interesting to me was that elephants have a gestation period of 22 months!! That's almost two years!

Here's another fun fact: Elephants have really sensitive skin, and can feel even a fly land on them.
And another: The largest recorded elephant weighed 24,000 pounds.

And here's some pictures of me with elephants:

Wait, those aren't elephants. It's my sister and I with penguins :)

Found a picture! But I don't know the other people. I guess they were my friends or something...

Me with an elephant statue. I don't know why I'm making such a weird face.
So I hope you've learned more about elephants! If you'd made it this far, hopefully you didn't get too bored. I'm sorry this was a weird post; I have to do the post today because I won't be here Thursday or Friday and I have a ton of other homework to do today so....bye!!

Fun Fact of the Day: Scorpions can have as many as 12 eyes. So if you see 12 eyes staring at you in the middle of the night on the pillow right next to you.... >:)

What is Today? Poundcake Day!! I'll go eat some now!!

1 comment:

  1. You were such a cute little kid! I love that guy checking you out in the first picture of you :D
