Thursday, May 15, 2014

It's Almost Here!!!

Hi. I know I know: "hi" is pretty lame. But how exactly do you start your last blog post? How about this: HELLOOOOO PEOPLE!!!! There, you happy now? Good :)

I take great joy in reminding you all (not that you need reminding) that SUMMER is just three short weeks away! So fret not about all the crap you have to do before then-focus on THE FUTURE! Words of wisdom right there ;)

AND I would also like to announce that the A.P. test is over!!! Finally :) No more awkward selfies with my geography textbook.

So today I would like to talk about the joys of summer. It's coming up and I think we all need a refresher.


~The Joys of Summer~

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

How to Be Sydney Oraskovich

Hi people! First of all, I'd like to point out that NOBODY HAS VOTED ON MY POLL! WOOOOOOOW GUYS WAY TO MAKE ME FEEL HAPPY. Okay, I know it was a little weird, but I'm a weird person and all of you should know that by now. Like, seriously.

So what else is new? I'm typing this in English class, and I'm extremely paranoid that people are looking over my shoulder and reading everything that I'm typing right now and judging me. So I apologize if I suddenly TYPE IN ALL CAPS or something.

This week I wanted to do something different. Lately I've felt that people don't really know that much about me, other than the fact that I'm kinda shy and get good grades and stuff. So I've decided to help you guys out a bit by giving you a lesson on how to be like me. So, ready?

How to Be Sydney Oraskovich

Thursday, May 1, 2014


Heylo!!'s it going?? For me it's a combination of stuffing my brain with A.P. Geography stuff and missing the cruise. So all in all, ehhh.

The teachers are all like, "Tests every day!!" Seriously teachers? Nobody can concentrate at this time of year. Because it's ALMOST SUMMER YAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!!!! But seriously, no more tests...

Teachers be like:

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