Thursday, May 15, 2014

It's Almost Here!!!

Hi. I know I know: "hi" is pretty lame. But how exactly do you start your last blog post? How about this: HELLOOOOO PEOPLE!!!! There, you happy now? Good :)

I take great joy in reminding you all (not that you need reminding) that SUMMER is just three short weeks away! So fret not about all the crap you have to do before then-focus on THE FUTURE! Words of wisdom right there ;)

AND I would also like to announce that the A.P. test is over!!! Finally :) No more awkward selfies with my geography textbook.

So today I would like to talk about the joys of summer. It's coming up and I think we all need a refresher.


~The Joys of Summer~

1. Huge Hats. It's gonna be a trend and I'm totally gonna to start it.

It's totally gonna be a trend-pretend that's me (by elaney)
2. When you jump in a pool and it's really cold and you scream and swim out then you're cold because you're all wet. Has this only happened to me??

3. Staying up really late then getting to sleep in as late as you want.

This is me every weekend (by The Healthy Back)

5. Running <3 Oh wait that's probably just me....

6. Uh, shopping! Duh!!

7. If you happen to be in Europe and you see someone that looks like me walking around looking totally touristy and clueless it's probably me. Just so ya know ;)

8. BTW there is no school in the summer. That's pretty cool.

by My Nice Profile

9. I just wouldn't be white girl enough if I failed to mention Starbucks.

Now I've made you all hungry :) (by Amira's Life)

10. Hanging out at home and eating food and watching TV all d-wait do people actually hang out with friends in the summer? Ok, forget I said anything then...I totally don't do that....

11. Reading <3 I think it's ok to confess that I actually READ FOR FUN because the people that actually read this all take Honors yeah....

12. Have I mentioned Neflix?

by The Meta Picture
13. Getting weird tan lines...

Like these people! (by One Step at a Time)

14. Driving :) Not that I've done that in the summer before. But watch out people cause I'm not the best driver!

15. Wasting an hour or so on social networking sites.

by Complex
16. Vacations :)

17. I lied about #10 I actually like to hang out with friends and be social. True story.

18. Listening to music :)

by thebosschicfiles
19. Eating FOOD

20. Staring at other people's pictures in the yearbook...who, me? I don't do that....

So those are some of the wonderful things summer brings us!

Random Fact of the Day: 14 days of school left!!

What day is it? Receptionist Day (BTW the link to that website is here)

So this is my LAST POST!! ;( I feel the need to deliver a long speech of how much I will miss this blog. I might keep posting. I might not. It depends. So lets just pretend this is the end. GOODBYE FELLOW READERS OF THIS BLOG!

Heh I tricked you that wasn't a long speech :P

Anyway, Sydney Oraskovich-OUT!

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