Thursday, March 27, 2014


Heylo! I just invented a new word: heylo. Hehe. Just kidding it has probably already been said at some point in time by some other person out of the seven billion that we have here on planet Earth. Oh well I still take credit.

Sooooo how is everyone?? Not that you can talk back to me; I'm a computer. Not literally (that would be weird. Wait-I already am weird. NEVER MIND), but it's not like you can just talk to the blog (THAT would be creepy). And of course, I wouldn't respond. But hey, feel free to tell me how you are doing in the halls if that will make you feel better!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Things I Wish I Didn't Have

Hi guys! How is your week going? It's finals week, if you don't already know. Which means lots of tests and lots of studying! Plus the science fair. And the end of the quarter. And ski races. And missing Thursday for the science fair. So you get it: my week is very stressful and busy. Can anybody else relate?

So this week's post is about things I wish I didn't have. I just made this up on the spot (I'm in English and want to start my post now), so don't judge. DON'T JUDGE. UNNECESSARY CAPITALIZATION!! Sorry, I'm just being weird right now. I apologize.


Things I Wish I Didn't Have

Friday, March 14, 2014

Weird Obsessions

Um hello. Look this is a different font :). I feel very boring right now. My life is a constant cycle of sleeping, eating, school, skiing, and homework. And repeat. Aaaaand repeat. So I don't have much to say this week about stuff happening in my life.

Instead I get to talk about my obsessions!! Yayyy! Actually I don't know if it's that exciting. You decide. Probably more exiting than elephants.

So, without further delay (I say that a lot, don't I??), here ya go:

Sydney's Obsessions

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

A Post About Elephants

Hello! How is life? Swamped with homework? Welcome to my life. Maybe I've said this before, but I'll say it again: school and skiing don't mix. Just as I'm almost caught up with work from the last day missed for skiing, I get to miss more school!! Two days!! And two tests!! Fun? No, actually.

So I really can't think of a good topic to write about today, so I'm just going to write about elephants. Why, you ask? Why not? Who doesn't like elephants? I'm not saying that I particularly like elephants that much, but I can't think of anything else to write about. And when someone doesn't know what to think about, they think about elephants, right? Or is that just me??

Here is an elephant (by The Interpretation of Dreams)