Monday, December 16, 2013

Santa, Skiing, and other Things Discussed in this Post

Hallo!! That was German, by the way. Sooooo Christmas Break is coming up!! Actually for me I'm pretty much done with school because I'm missing the rest of this week for SKI RACING!! Except I have to make up like five tests....

~What I Love about the Holidays~

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Future Vet- Part 2

こんにちは!!! Random fact of the day: that means hello in Japanese. I'm running out of ways to say hello, if you haven't noticed. Maybe I'll just do a different language every time.

Anyway, change of plans! Forget the whole vet thing-I'm being an astronaut!

Friday, November 15, 2013

Future Vet-Part 1

Hiya! Sorry I haven't posted in a long time-I've been really busy with school and stuff. Things have happened and I just haven't had the time to sit down and write a meaningful blog post. Like I could write the whole thing saying random stuff like this, but it would be really boring.

I may have mentioned earlier that I want to be a vet when I'm older. True, but I haven't always wanted to be one.

Friday, October 25, 2013


Hey y'all! Don't worry-I'm not going all Southern on you or anything! At first I didn't really know what to write about. We have a sub teacher in English today, so I think I'll talk about the different types of subs.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

The Anatomy of a Good Run

Hello! First of all, to those of you who had the fish gadget and didn't want anybody to copy your breathtaking discovery, I'm terribly sorry. Honestly, it's kinda mostly for me, because without it on my blog I would probably spend a great deal of time on your blog playing with them. So I couldn't resist.

Friday, September 27, 2013

The Post Where You Get to Decide if I'm Weird

Hello again! So this is my second blog post, if you haven't already figured that out. If you have, good for you. Anyway, this is the first post where we don't have a prompt, so I think I'll give you guys a little quiz! THAT IF YOU FAIL THEN YOU ARE BANISHED FROM THIS BLOG!!!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


Hey! I'm Sydney, the author of the blog you are currently viewing. I'm a fairly average person; a teenager to be more specific. So what is this blog about? That's a hard question for me. Teens' lives aren't exactly focused around a specific subject, so it's hard for me to only write about one thing. So I'll write about anything that is currently on my mind, but the following subjects will appear the most throughout my blog since they take up the majority of my life:
  1. School
  2. Skiing
  3. Running
  4. Animals